

MTC & Versino joined SAP SMB Innovation Summit 2020

Posted by April 30, 2020

Februray 19th - 21st, 2020, MTC & Versino joined SAP SMB Innovation Summit in Majorca, Spain. SAP, industry leaders and hundreds of SAP partners together exchanged idea on the market trend and how to empower small and medium business to quickly grow with the latest technology and best practice.      Edmond Yang, Consulting and Sal…

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Posted by April 14, 2020

Chinese and German MTCers successfully arrived at Everest base camp!   8763.7 KM from Munich to Shanghai, 4235.1 KM from Shanghai to Lhasa, 608 KM from Lhasa to Mount Everest, 8 KM from Rongbu Temple to Everest Base Camp.   In the vast world, The clouds are white and low, the sky is blue and bright, The mountains and rivers are…

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What is the industry 4.0?

Posted by April 10, 2020

WHAT IS INDUSTRY 4.0? Industry 4.0, or the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is about industrial transformation using new digital technology that makes it possible to gather and analyze data across machines and business systems, enabling faster, more flexible, and more efficient processes to produce higher quality individualized goods at reduced cost. T…

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台灣麥匯資訊科技股份有限公司(TW MTC)是一家專業的SAP企業管理系統咨詢公司,提供SAP ERP的行業化解決方案以及服務海外的台商企業,包含SAP ERP+HANA(大數據) + Cloud (雲平台)+SEN(用戶培訓)的專業資訊服務。 MTC集團在台灣、香港、大陸、美國、德國、日本設有服務支持中心,為本地客戶提供最大化的支持服務。

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